If you're here from Discord there's a good chance you found me in some Japanese-related server. I've been learning the language for a bit over 2 years at the time of writing this now. My learning has been primarily through lots and lots of input. I had already liked anime before starting to learn Japanese so it takes up a pretty significant amount of the input I get, but I've also gotten into things like visual novels, light novels, and VTubers as a direct result of learning the language.
My favorite anime and manga of all time is Bloom Into You, but recently Bocchi the Rock has wormed its way into my brain as well. Both are incredible in fairly
different ways, so I think it is very worth checking them out if you're
at all interested. Bloom Into You especially impacted me in a way that
no other piece of fiction has. It's really good, please check it out!
Outside of learning Japanese, I also really enjoy making coffee. While I'm no longer at the peak of my experimentation with it, I still enjoy a cup every day and I'm pretty happy with my current setup. My go-to drink most days is a flat white, but I also enjoy drinking just espresso as well as filter coffee.
For espresso, I use a Breville Bambino (non-plus). I've had it for about 3 years now and I'm honestly surprised at its performance. There may be better nowadays, but I still quite enjoy mine. As for my grinder, I use the Timemore Sculptor 064s. This was a much more recent purchase and I have no regrets, the consistency I've had with it is nothing short of incredible. Finally, for filter, I opt for either V60 or AeroPress. Both are great, I find myself going for the AeroPress though since it's quite easy to get a good cup with it.
I'm still figuring out latte art please don't make fun of me
Finally, I work as a software engineer primarily working on web applications. I'm not sure why considering I'm not good at it, but I've somehow figured out how to make it work. For work I mostly use React, but for hobby projects I quite like Svelte. I know, very original! This website is built with Astro with bits of it being React and Svelte.
The fastest way to get in touch with me is through Discord. I use the same name on there as pretty much everywhere (@mikumino).